They love not there lives unto the death
And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives to the death
(Revelation, 12:11).
Remember, the truth of God's love burning in your heart can take you to a place you never imagined, doing things that genuinely bring change to the world around you. God may direct you to a site where Christianity is hated. Your love for God may be the cause of your mortal life-ending or your body being bruised and broken by lost and hurting people that hate Jesus and hate you. But you won’t care because this life is not yours (1 Corinthians 6:19-20), and the love you live for is worth the cost any day of the week.
The love from Abba for Jesus that burns within you isn’t the kind that leaves you comfortable in your skinny jeans setting in your local coffee shop on your iPhone with witty Christian tweets. No, these encounters with Abba will take you from cyberspace straight up into the Holy place. It will cause a fire to burn deep in your bone for Jesus that won’t crease, no it will grow in you, and it will make you a wild, tenderhearted beacon in the night calling out to a world lost in the dark. No one may ever sing your praise or erect a cathedral in your name, but you won’t care because you’re an overcomer, a nameless, faceless soul-winning warrior. You are apart of a group of warriors standing at the ready in full battle regalia, marching into a spiritual war pulling down strongholds and cutting to the quick principalities and powers in the high places over cities, regions, and countries (Ephesians 6:10-18). Setting free the people kept in darkness and winning souls for the kingdom. A burning heart possessed by Holy Spirt and apprehend by a call to minister reconciliation with Abba through Jesus Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit (2 Corinthians 5:18).
This poem is an inspirational work of art. Let the words become a mark on your heart, an altar of remembrance, a banner
proclaiming your resolve to stand no matter the cost.

 God’S Hall of Fame
Your name may not appear down here, In this world’s hall of fame
You may be so unknown
Few even know your name
Fame and fortune pass you by And are given to a few,
But if you love and serve the Lord Then there is good news for you.
This Hall of fame is only good
As long as time shall be;
But keep in mind, God’s Hall of fame Is for eternity!
To have your name inscribed up there Is greater yes by far
Then all the Halls of Fame down here And every human-made star.
This crowd on earth they soon forget The heroes of the past,
They cheer like mad until you fall, And that’s how long you last
But God he never does forget, And in His Hall of Fame, 
 By just believing in his Son, Inscribed, you’ll find your name.
I tell you, friend, I wouldn’t trade My name, however small That’s written there beyond the stars In that celestial hall
For every famous name on earth Or the glory that they share; I’d rather be an unknown here And have my name up there.
