Motivations of The Heart
 There is a dividing line between people that operate out of a relationship with God. They are motivated not out of a desire to appease their God, but rather they know their God is please and they only want to make him smile. You see there heart is devoted to Abba our of love. They spend time with home because his presence is there life’s bread. They have come so in love with the trinity and so consumed by the trinity’s love toward them, that they cannot help but want everyone to know this love. It becomes an all consuming fire, uncompromising and unshakable delight in Abba, Jesus and Holy Spirit.

 If you haven’t noticed this book is seeking to rid you of your religiosity. God is look for a company of people with wild hearts untamed love drives them into the darkest places with no concern for there on welfare. A Generation marked by fire, truth on there lips a love sick and blazing platoons of soldiers of Jesus Christ.

   The don’t understand language that promotes duty over devotion. When they here people say, “You gotta spend time in prayer and read you bible, even when you don’t feel like it.” They will here those words and the spirit will be grieved. They say “how can you say you not want to spend time with the lover of your soul?” They aren’t being judgmental, they literally hurt in there inner man because someone doesn’t want to spend time with there best friend. Some of you are reading this and you are thinking “I want that, I wanna be set ablaze with passionate encounter.” Well you just got set up. That is where it starts, deep authentic hunger to truly know your God. This is why I call God, Abba, because it is a term of endearment. Father, in my mind is two formal for how I feel about Papa.

 The joy that we have in the kingdom is found in tenderness before the King. Being soft, pliable and stretchable will bring you to a place of victory. We war from a position of rest. We are seated in heavenly places. Our posture is not your typical defensive stance. We approach all battles from a fixed post of Christ Victory. We are not lazy in take this position, in fact it some times takes more work for us to stay at rest than it would be to try to conjure some kind of outward work that yields little to no fruit. Than it is for us to remain in confident assurance, to remain in faith in Abba ability to accomplish his will and purposes in the earth. We co- labor and fallow in obedience by coming into agreement with what he has already accomplished. There is nothing left to do but believe. When we believe we trample under foot the works of the usurpers. We abide in the reality of the Kingdom, righteousness, joy and peace, as children of the most high. Our advisory my be powerful, but we have dominion authority. We decree in the spirit and it manifest in the physical.

  Much of the Church has forgotten or never knew there position in the kingdom. We are not only subjects of the King and his Kingdom, we are officers in his courts. To many of Gods children went from trusting in Christ accomplishments to trusting in their efforts to accomplish for themselves what they already have. The church has abandoned its number one secret weapon “faith”. True faith births trust that leads to rest. There are things for us to do, but what I am most concerned with in the spiritual life of the church is the works based approach to our relationship with Abba. We have a serious condition of misplaced faith. We have started to believe that holiness is found in having the right moral code and our ability to adhere to that code. We have submitted it a fraudulent legalism that leads to a white knocking mask wearing hypocrisy comparable only to that of the Pharisees of Jesus days on earth. As adhering to morals makes holiness, it’s laughable really. We have gotten so far of track that we thank not doing things makes us holy. Take your pick, don’t drink, don’t watch porn, don’t hang out with sinners, don’t dance and the list goes on. I am in no way condoning bad behavior, but overcoming bad behavior through self improvement is not holiness. The gospel is more the a self help program. Being consumed with an overwhelming, passionate and deep love for Abba is the only way to truly overcome the evil that hide within our hearts. Most bad behavior is an outward expression of a root problem. Only Holy Spirit can see those roots and dislodge there hold on our lives. If we take the approach improving outward behavior we become what Jesus called the Pharisees, whit washed tombs full of safe men’s bones.

Or as The Passion Translation puts it:

“Great sorrow awaits you religious scholars and Pharisees— frauds and imposters! You are nothing more than tombs painted with fresh coats of white paint—tombs that look shining and beautiful on the outside, but within are found decaying corpses full of nothing but corruption. Outwardly you masquerade as righteous people, but inside your hearts you are full of hypocrisy and lawlessness.
(Matthew 23:27-28 TPT)

  Our acknowledgement of our inability to do it on our own is at its root a rite of passage into the freedom only sons and daughters of the King enjoy. Letting go of our ability to accomplish anything and surrender to the Holy Spirit’s timing frees you from the pressures of religious duty. Being as a child completely dependent on Papa. This brings new meaning to “without Faith it is impossible to please God”. Faith birth trust gives us hope which manifest as rest. Your whole being says yes Abba you are enough, but he is eternal so as he increases your understanding it feels as if you are receiving more of him. The truth is you already have all of him he is completely open to you, it is only your vision, your openness that is increasing.
Letting go of our timing leads to waiting. They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength and mount up on wings like eagles and The joy of the Lord is our strength. Renewed strength is renewed joy. So it can be said striving to accomplish what only God can will zap your joy but in the waiting, you find Joy and can fly. If we want to learn to wait we must first have faith that births trust that gives us hope which manifest as rest. It is only from that place of rest that we are able truly wait. Most of us lack joy because we are not at rest. If you remember I started this section out talking about our position in the war is rest. Holy warriors are warriors living in complete abandon to Abba, so much so, that they need not trust there own ability. To many Christians have been enchanted by a spirit of religion. By seeking to finish through works, that which was born of the spirit, they nullify grace. Sure they don’t go out and get circumcision like the Galatians did but the principal still remains. If we seek to accomplish through work, what God is accomplishing us, we fall into the trap of religious duty. By doing so we make a mockery of what God has done in the reconciliation he accomplished in the incarceration, death, burial, resurrection, ascension, and enthronement of Jesus the Christ. I have to say if you haven’t read Galatians put this book down and take some time to read it. I suggest you read it in” The Passion Translation.” Dr. Brian Simmons does a great job at not only capturing the tone of Paul’s letters to the church of Galatia he also translated the words quit well. 
