Hearts ablaze with the fire of God

I grow up in a generation that saw revival in Brownsville Florida, London England, Toronto Canada, Argentina, Belfast Ireland and probably a few more out there that I never heard about or I’ve forgotten. God was pouring out his spirit all over the earth. It seemed like the whole body of Christ was moving in that direction simultaneously, but now we are a generation of backsliders. We started in fire but we have been reduced to a few burning embers, guilty of a toxic indifference toward a generation that has never experienced God. We stopped seeking God. No more then a few decades later revival is nothing more than a far flung memory in the minds of a few 40 plusers that are to lazy to repent of the sin of inaction. The thing about embers is they are still hot, and we have a generation of young people that are spiritual dry. We need only a few embers and the right environment to have a church set ablaze again with the passionate pursuit of God that births revival.
We need to return to our first love. Return to alters of our past experiences and regain the hunger that permeated ever aspect of our life’s. This generation needs a company of older people to raise to there destiny as carriers of the fiery mantle of revival. We need to foster and steward an environment of Holy encounters that will become the fuel igniting a life devoted to a passionately authentic life in the knowledge and presence of God. I believe this generation of young people, once they catch fire will burn hotter, longer than we ever dream.

 There was an old hymn write during a time not unlike today, in that people had begun to talk of the good old days back when God moved in great power and many people got saved. The people grew dissatisfied with stories and a cry began to grow in the depths of there very being.
William Booth, founder of the Salvation Army penned this hymn: “Send The Fire”
Thou Christ of burning, cleansing flame, Send the fire!
Thy blood-bought gift today we claim, Send the fire!
Look down and see this waiting host, Give us the promised Holy Ghost,
We want another Pentecost,
Send the fire!
God of Elijah, hear our cry: Send the fire!
To make us fit to live or die, Send the fire!
To burn up every trace of sin, To bring the light and glory in, The revolution now begin, Send the fire!
‘Tis fire we want, for fire we plead, Send the fire!
The fire will meet our every need, Send the fire!
For strength to ever do the right,

 For grace to conquer in the fight,
For power to walk the world in white, Send the fire!
To make our weak hearts strong and brave, Send the fire!
To live a dying world to save,
Send the fire!
O see us on thy altar lay
Our lives, our all, this very day,
To crown the offering now we pray, Send the fire!
If we wanna see this generation and the generations to come ablaze with the fire of the Holy Spirit we must repent and return the fire that once burned so bright with our souls. We can’t live without it. We can’t be so selfish that we choose the comfortability of dead religious at the expense of a lost world, dying without have known Jesus.
