Carriers of the Spirit of Repentance
I see a company of men and woman that walk in such close fellowship with God that they carry a weightiness that calls the lost to repentance. They will walk into a building and atmosphere shifts. They don’t have to say a word but men and women will be drawn to them, crying out “What must I do to be saved.

There have been moves of God throughout history. The first great awakening was in Britain and in the 13 American colonies from the 1730s to the 1740s. The first great awakening gave us preachers like John Wesley, George Whitfield, and Jonathan Edwards. This out pouring was marked by holiness, strong conversations and devotion to God. The second great awakening lasted from 1795 to 1835. During that awakening in 1801 at Cane Ridge Kentucky a camp meeting turned into 6 or 7 days of men and woman on mass coming under conviction and turning to Christ for salvation. The second great awakening was marked by camp meetings, it birthed the Methodist and Baptist churches and many Christian collages where founded out of that awakening. Just over a hundred years after Cane Ridge the Azusa Street revival hit California from 1906 to 1909. It was marked by speaking in tongues, holiness, and deep repentance. And about 90 years later in Pensacola Florida, the Brownsville outpouring started on June 18th 1995, it was Fathers Day. This outpouring was marked by salvation, deep conversations, wild physical manifestation and the prophetic. People were drawn into a deeper more intimate relationship with God. And some of us where there and experienced the power of Holy Spirit first hand.
From Cain Ridge to Azusa Street to Brownsville across time and all over the United States, and there were many more all over the earth at various times. However, without fail there has never been an outpouring of Gods Spirit that didn’t come without men and women of God first being gripped with a burden for lost souls. I remember being at the Brownsville Revival and Pastor John Kilpatrick giving his testimony of what it was like for him before the outpouring began. He was gripped deeply with a desire for more of God to the point he could not sleep. He became desperate and in satisfied with church as usual.

A truly authentic burden for the lost is always birthed out of deep repentance. Frank Bartleman of the Azusa street revival said “The depth of revival will be determined exactly by the depth of repentance.” There are stories throughout revival history of whole community coming under the convicting power of Holy Spirit before anyone ever preached a word. I believe God is raising up a company of broken vessels that can’t help put leak the power and outpouring of Holy Spirit. They will be like ambassador caring and leaking the supernatural power of a Kingdom not of this world. Someone once ask Charles Finney, “ why must you keep being filled with the Holy Spirit?” “Because I leak” he answered. They become walking talking, Holy Ghost filled, magnates, drawing on the souls of man. All because they had an encounter with the living God and the repentance was deep and they kept crying out with deep groans in the secret place before God. God will impregnate then with a desire to see people come to God. Deep cries out to deep God go deeper and deeper.

There heart will continually say “God search the inner most parts of me, take residence there and expanse your territory within me. The depth of our brokenness will allow the power of deep conviction to come upon people near us and even people we pray for that are miles away.

I don’t know about you but I want that, to walk in such abandon before God that other people are called out of darkness and into his marvelous light. You know in the past people spoke of being reflective of the light of God. I believe God is calling his people to not reflect his light but to refract his light. Picture a beam of light passing through a diamond and revealing a rainbow on the other side. God wanted a people that allow his light to pass through them, a people so transparent before him that his light shines through them, slows down, and we begin to manifest his many manifold glory like a rainbow. We become a manifestation of the promise. The thing about a diamond when a light shines throughout it, it’s imperfections are clearly seen, but the flaws are a testament to it’s authenticity. Artificial diamonds appear flawless, but that is there biggest flaw in the eye of the buyer. Our willingness to let Gods light pass through us and slow down to reveal in us our imperfections will make us authentic refractors of the light of God. This is what deep repentance does, this is a picture of what happens in the spirit. We can be so surrendered to God that we carry a light that attracts man’s souls toward the light of God.
