The Hunger and limitless possibilities
The cry of your heart must become ‘I wanna know you, Lord.’ I believe many times, and we make seeking God more about his hands than his face. God, I need you to help me’ with my finances, my career, my family, etc... not realizing that we put the cart before the oxen. We must seek His face; that is, we must seek to know him on a deeper, more intimate level. Beware of the religious spirit that aims to make it all about you and your ability to seek God more perfectly. This isn’t about your efforts. He is the author and perfecter of our faith. Real spiritual hunger is expressed through a heart postured toward Abba, that says ‘I wanna know you’ and we only receive, we can not earn, revelation. Abba wants a deeper relationship with you, and the greatest prayer you can pray to him is ‘ I wanna know you, Abba.’
Shortly after my initial encounter with the love of Abba, he gave me a mental image of a child playing in a kiddie pool on the beach. Then I saw him taking buckets of ocean water and dumping them into the pool. The pool was my paradigm, the water was my knowledge of God, and the childlike figure was me enjoying the safety of my revelation of Abba. But the image didn’t stop at that kiddie pool on the beach. It ended with me standing at the shore of a vast, raging ocean, the depths of which I could never fully explore. You see, the Love of Abba opened me up to a whole sea of revelation with limitless possibles. But it wasn’t safe; there were large waves and stretched further than my eye could see. The question to you today is the same question the Lord asked of me. Are you willing to leave the comfort of your understanding, to embrace mystery?
